
From Darkness into Light: Navigating the Journey of Transformation

Embark on a journey from darkness to light, navigating the profound transformation of the soul. Compassionate insights, practical guidance, and a retreat to support your inner healing and growth.

Dear Friends,

If you’re among those who’ve reached out or shared your experiences with me, I want to offer reassurance and comfort. Feelings of depression, disillusionment, confusion, panic, and anxiety about the future, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness—these are all completely normal reactions given our current circumstances. This journey from darkness into light is a profound and transformative one, often described as the "dark night of the soul." It’s an awakening from the egoic, controlling mind into the essence of who you truly are. This process isn’t something you can control, organize, or schedule. It emerges and unfolds from within.

Many of us, myself included, are experiencing these shifts. The symptoms change, and it often feels like riding a wave. One moment you might feel blissful, enjoying the ride, and the next, you could find yourself at the bottom of a well. In these moments, it's crucial to learn how to be with yourself, to avoid abandoning yourself or numbing your feelings. Our culture isn’t designed to make us well; it’s designed to keep us distracted. For those on a path of transformation, understanding that we have the ability within us to hold and integrate these emerging parts without succumbing to the depths of pain and old stories is essential.

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Here are five practices to support your journey:

  1. Contemplation: When you notice difficult emotions or reactions, ask yourself, "Is this a wound? Am I reacting from this space, or do I have the capacity to understand that this is just a part of me coming up?" This awareness helps in distinguishing between past wounds and present reality.

  2. Meditation: Learning to calm your mind and find stillness is essential. Stepping out of the chaos and developing your own sense of self and identity doesn’t mean being stuck in old patterns. Meditation helps you connect with your deeper self beyond the intellectual mind.

  3. Communication: Talk to others who understand the profound nature of transformation. Engage in conversations with friends, community members, therapists, or facilitators who can relate to and support your journey. Sharing and expressing your experiences can be incredibly healing.

  4. Prayer: Pray for your life, for the wisdom, strength, and understanding you need in the moment. Recognize that everyone is going through their own unique journey, and your experience is valid and significant. Prayer can provide a sense of connection and guidance.

  5. Quiet Time: Make space in your schedule for unscheduled time. Allow yourself to sit, process, and feel. Being constantly in your thinking mind can prevent you from dropping deeper into your true self. Quiet time fosters deeper levels of transformation, clearing channels for receiving guidance and moving beyond old behaviors.

The journey through the dark night of the soul can be repetitive and challenging, but it’s also profoundly transformative. By doing the inner work and engaging in dialogue with these parts of yourself, you will notice a difference. You’ll become more accustomed to facing rather than running from difficult feelings. Instead of turning away, learn to turn towards them, opening your heart with understanding, forgiveness, acceptance, and unconditional love.

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Upcoming Retreat:
Embodying Soul Consciousness Reconnect

"This exceeded my expectations. I came to this retreat depleted and just had some physical and emotional things that were making it difficult for me to settle. And as soon as I entered the retreat, I loved the small number of people. I loved the divine design of all the people. I loved your beautiful attention to detail, which was noticed in every way. The love and attention that went into everything, the elegance and the planning was impeccable."

Dana - former retreat participant

I am thrilled to announce our upcoming retreat, and I would love for you to join us for a transformative experience:

✨Embodying Soul Consciousness Reconnect✨ Weekend Retreat Immersion
Dates: October 17-20, 2024
Location: Hekamiah, Ibiza

Join Larah Davis and myself, with support by high frequency chef Erika Tangari and @Anika.themysticbreath, for a transformative four-day retreat designed to help you reconnect with your true self and ignite your inner light 🔥.

Through guided practices, rituals, and ceremonies, you will:

  • ✨ Reconnect with your Soul essence and align with Mother Nature’s wisdom, your intuitive guidance system, and the divine.

  • ✨ Transform obstacles and resistance into opportunities for healing, growth, and expansion.

  • ✨ Embrace joy, community connection, and living your life purpose.

  • ✨ Make heart-led decisions for your greater good and the greater good of the whole.

  • ✨ Optimize your holistic well-being to feel clear, empowered, vital, and free.

With over 20 years of experience each, Larah and I will guide you on this journey of wholeness and understanding, helping you to live a grounded, meaningful life.

Activities Include:

  • ✨ Guided meditations

  • ✨ Earthing & grounding practices

  • ✨ Somatic flow and restorative yoga

  • ✨ Healing Breathwork journey

  • ✨ Ceremonial Cacao dance ritual

  • ✨ Presence Embodied and Compassionate Inquiry Circles

  • ✨ Co-active Alchemy Coaching

  • ✨ Holistic full-body massages

  • ✨ 1:1 sessions with Larah & Stephanie

  • ✨ Voice activation and fire-🔥-side circles

  • ✨ Enhanced nature guided hike

& personalized programs of treatments & therapies.

We are delighted to welcome you to this sacred space.

If you’re interested in attending, please message Larah on WhatsApp with the word: RETREAT. We look forward to connecting with you and sharing this beautiful experience together 🙏.

Thank you for reading Presence Embodied with Stephanie Canavesio. This post is public so feel free to share it.
